What is Hypnotherapy ?
What is Hypnotherapy ?
Hypnotherapy is a natural and gentle way to treat all kinds of emotional, nervous or psychological problems. It reduces anxiety very simply through relaxation and visualisation, allowing the client to focus on the positive aspects of their lives that encourages a shift in perspective helping you to achieve your preferred future and true potential.
It can also be beneficial in motivating people, whether for a sporting event or to succeed in personal or business life.
Hypnosis, or trance, is an altered state of awareness that we go in and out of naturally, throughout the day (ie when driving the car and can’t remember parts of the journey (on auto pilot), being so deeply engrossed in a book you are not aware of conversations around you). It is simply a state of focused attention and feels very much like day dreaming where although being in a relaxed state we are totally aware of our surroundings at all times. Welcome to the naturally occurring state of trance!
Through simple guided relaxation techniques, you can reach this level of relaxation in the sessions that are used for the hypnotic process. You remain awake and in control. It’s a very relaxing and enjoyable experience.
In this state of trance your subconscious and conscious mind come together in heightened focus helping you become more receptive to beneficial suggestions, accepting directions to promote positive change.
Nobody can make you do anything you do not want to – your subconscious mind will simply reject any suggestion that is not in your best interests. Contrary to the image portrayed in films, books and the media, Hypnotherapy does not involve the therapist taking control of your mind – no one can Hypnotise you against your will.